Darkest Dungeon II

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123.00 zł

Opis produktu

Darkest Dungeon II is a roguelike road trip of the damned. Embark on a desperate journey to prevent the apocalypse in Darkest Dungeon II. Form a party, equip your stagecoach, and traverse a decaying landscape where the greatest threats may come from within.

A Last Gasp Quest Gather your courage and venture into the chaos of a world falling apart. Four heroes and a stagecoach are all that stand between darkness and salvation.

Tried and True Turn-based Combat, Improved The genre-defining combat from Darkest Dungeon returns with refined stats and rules. The new Token System adds depth, making your decisions more impactful.

Unforgettable Heroes Discover the tragic origin stories of each hero. Unlock their full potential with new skills, paths, items, and more.

Roguelike Runs with Emerging Stories Each expedition lasts from 30 minutes to several hours. Even in defeat, you gain resources to enhance your next journey.

The Altar of Hope Engage with a vast system of upgrades and boons, opening new strategies for each expedition. Prioritize what matters most as you prepare for assaults on the Mountain.

The Affinity System As your journey progresses, heroes will bond or clash, leading to crucial combat synergies or disastrous dysfunction. Manage their stress and interactions to keep the team together.

Nightmarish Environs Traverse five distinct regions, each with unique creatures and challenges. From the burning Sprawl to the diseased Foetor, the road to the Mountain tests your strategies and endurance.

A Moment’s Peace Rest your weary heroes at the Inn to relieve their stress and improve their relationships through various diversions and delights.

Face Your Failures Journey to the Mountain to confront five terrifying manifestations of your weaknesses.

Signature Art Style, Evolved Experience Darkest Dungeon’s iconic art with enhanced 3D visuals, animation, and visual effects.

A Feast for the Ears Enjoy new narration by Wayne June, an expansive score by Stuart Chatwood, and immersive sound effects from Power Up Audio.

Embark on the ultimate roguelike road trip and see if you have what it takes to save the world from impending doom.


Platform: Nintendo Switch,
Developer: Rockstar
Publish Date 5 September
System requirements
Language Pelny dzwiek Napisy

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Najwyżna cena o ostatniach 30 dni
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Najwyżna cena o ostatniach 30 dni
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